Sunday, March 20, 2005

Don't take the defaults...

Working with computers can give one a warped view on life. I install software every day where I'll ask, "Are there any special settings required?" Often, I'll be told, "Just take the defaults." What this means is, on a series of computer screens where you are given options, don't even bother looking at them. Just click "next" over and over until you're finished. And when you're done, you get the same thing everyone else got...except those people that didn't take the defaults.

I think life is like that. We are given choices every day and often we just take the defaults and get what everyone else got. For some decisions, this is appropriate. For instance, if the question is "do I rob this bank" or "should I drive on the left side of this road instead of the right like everyone else", I daresay the default is a better choice (the defaults being "no" and "no", in case there was any doubt). But sometimes we take the default when we really should make a decision. It would be easy for me to say, "Well, no one else around me looks and feels ten years younger, so why should I?" If you take enough defaults like that one, you can default yourself right into the grave.

I had lunch with a good friend the other day and mentioned Body for Life to her. I told her I hoped to be in the best shape of my life when I was finished. She said, "Don't you think it's just normal that, as people get older, women get large around the hips and men get soft around the middle?" Honestly, I might have begun to think that until recently. But no more. No more excuses. No more defaults.

I'm currently down with respiratory infection. I want to start my challenge on a Tuesday so that my bowling night (Monday) will be my off day and Saturday and Sunday will both be workout days (better for me since I work weekdays). I briefly toyed with starting this coming Tuesday, but that's not going to happen now. So, Tuesday, March 29 is my target date. I'm a little worried that my aerobic system won't be fully recovered by then (I've had this before and it can put a dent in your aerobic capacity for weeks), but I think I have to go ahead as if I'll be ready by then. I have a lot to do. Cheryl and I discussed doing our before pictures next weekend. We also discussed entering as individuals rather than as a couple. (Actually I'm not sure if the couples category is even available, there's not any info on it, or a checkbox to check or anything. Anybody know how it works?) This puts my completion of the Challenge on June 19th. Hmmm, it's strangely inspirational to see it in print.


At 11:48 AM, Blogger Prometheus said...

Very astute! I had not thought of life as a series of defaults but you are correct. I am impressed with your thoughts!


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