Monday, May 02, 2005

Size does matter

Cheryl and I went to a wedding on Friday. I rushed home from work and changed to a dress shirt and tie. Almost as a afterthought, I grabbed my suit jacket and put it on. It was later that I realized that the suit jacket was one of the main reasons I started Body for Life.

I don't wear a suit very often. I only have one. The last time I wore it was for a musical performance somewhere. I noticed that, although I could button it, the jacket was tight around my mid-section and the lapels gapped open instead of laying flat across my chest. At the time, I was so embarassed that I didn't button it the rest of the night.

Well, it fits now. It fits like it did when Cheryl bought it for me, probably at least five years ago. I was so amazed by this fact that I'm still a little in shock. It seems you really can have the body you used to have and wear the clothes you used to wear. I told Cheryl that I'm very close to the same fitness level I had four or five years ago (in only five weeks). So now, my goal is to achieve a fitness level I never had!

I was thinking about my post-challenge life on Sunday (while I was on the exercise bike, I might add). First of all, I plan to turn right around and do another 12 week challenge after this one. I have until July 5 to start the second challenge, and that gives me about two weeks after I finish the first one, so I intend to actually formally enter the challenge again. But, what about after that? Well, Cheryl and I are already taking a beach vacation late this Summer. I was thinking that next year, we could go to some resort in the tropics where they have workout and spa facilities, activities like hiking or biking, a beach to lounge around on, good food, etc. In other words, a vacation for active people.

I also want to hike the trail up Tom Sauk mountain this fall. It's the highest point in Missouri (I know, big deal) and I've wanted to hike it for years and have been putting it off. Sometime later, I want to hike some real mountains.

Down the road, I'm thinking about becoming a personal trainer. I want to maintain my fitness lifestyle and help other people do what I've done.

But all that is in the future. For now, I have seven weeks to go in my first Body for Life challenge. Today is my off day. Tomorrow, I have to hustle to get in my workout before a concert I'm singing in. After that, I'm getting up early for aerobic day. After that, well....gotta keep moving. Almost halfway there!


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