Friday, April 08, 2005

A box of donuts

Note: In the following story, the word "donuts" will be used instead of the more cumbersome but more correct "doughnuts". Culinary language purists are advised to go read some other blog.

Today was my office's breakfast day. We take turns bringing breakfast every Friday. There are five of us in the club. Today, my co-worker brought a breakfast casserole, of which I had a small portion. When I'm unsure about the caloric content of something, I limit myself to a very small portion. That way, if it turns out to be ultra-high in calories or fat, I've kept the damage to a minimum. Said co-worker also brough in a box of donuts. I was a little embarassed because...she brought them for me. You see, I've had a history of eating sweet unhealthy foods and she often brings donuts to "supplement" the healthier food she makes herself. She told me she almost couldn't find them and had to go all over the store and even got a store clerk to help her search. I felt guilty as hell. Very few people in my office know I'm doing Body for Life. I might have to tell them soon, before any more donuts show up.

I might add that I didn't have any donuts and the box was empty by the end of the day anyway.

So, I did a really good upper body workout last night and a pretty solid aerobic workout this morning. Robin and I walked at lunch again today. The only set back is that I missed my mid-morning meal today. I was involved in a meeting at work and was unable to get it in. This is particularly bad the day after a weight workout.

I'm feeling impatient. I look at how far I have to go and I wonder if I can really get there in twelve weeks. I'm working the system as hard as I can. I don't think I'm doing anything bad, even with the extra supplements and the additional walking. So, I'm staying calm for the moment. I know that some of these processes start slowly and pick up speed as they go, so the bulk of the visible changes will be towards the second half of the program. Also, I feel good about the exercise, the diet, the fact that I haven't had a soft drink or any chocolate in two weeks. So I'm not really hanging on for dear life. I just have some small doubts right now. I'm determined to finish. I will finish! And I'll feel good about whatever I achieve.


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