Monday, April 03, 2006

How many workouts does that equal?

Okay, I mentioned in my last post that I missed an aerobic workout on Wednesday due to a recording session. I missed the next aerobic workout because we were out late on Friday with another couple and I just didn't have the juice left to get on the bike at 11:45PM. So, I was thinking of getting on the exercise bike Saturday night after doing my weight workout earlier in the day. It turns out it wasn't necessary.

Cheryl and I took advantage of a really beautiful Spring day to go biking Saturday afternoon (after my lower body weight workout). Aside from some strong winds (which seem to always be headwinds somehow), it was a perfect day. The sky was clear, the temperature was cool but not cold. We went on our usual route across the river. On the way back, Cheryl suggested we ride up into old St. Charles to see the Tartan Day festivities. So, we strolled around the festival for awhile and headed home. Our mileage for the day was something over thirty miles, I think about thirty-three. I'm no longer worried about missing those two workouts.

As usual, the body fat calculations between the Tanita scale and the calipers are totally conflicting. In fact, the body fat calculations from the scale show my body fat going up. The calipers show it going down. I tend to trust the calipers, obviously, since they are a direct measurement. So, the one-site measurement says I'm at about 18% and the four-site measurement says I'm just under 25%. Not very consistent. But the trend is good, because they both went down from a little over a week ago. My weight is also down about two and half pounds. So, it's all going well so far.

I should mention that Cheryl has worked a lot harder than I have over the winter. It really showed on our bike ride. The only place I ever got ahead of her was on the hills and I should mention that I have a lighter bike with lighter wheels. For the most part, she kept up with me or rode ahead of me for most of the ride. All I can say is "wow"!